Is UNO a total failure. .........wonders K J S Chatrath

Would you agree with me if I say that United Nations Organisation has failed miserably in achieving the objective for which it was created - to bring peace in the world. 

It's failure to do anything substantial in Gaza and Ukraine shows that it is good only in declaring heritage sites and in declaring days to be celebrated

And yes, we all are contributing financially to keep this mammoth organsiation and its bloated buraucracy afloat.

India contributes to the United Nations (UN) through assessed contributions to the UN's regular budget and various UN agencies. For the year 2024, India paid USD 32.89 million towards the UN Regular Budget, making the payment on January 31, 2024.

In addition to the regular budget, India also contributes to various UN agencies and international organizations. For the fiscal year 2024-25, India's total contributions to international bodies amounted to ₹2,620.9 crore (approximately USD 350 million),

Come on, wake up UNO!


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