'Some stunning AI portraits by Polish painter Dorota Piotrowiak' - shared by KJS Chatrath

Dorota Piotrowiak' obtained a diploma in the painting studio of prof. Mieczyslaw Ziomek at the Faculty of Fine Arts of the Nicolaus Copernicus University in Toruń in 1996. . She works in painting, sculpture and graphics. Since 2013, she has been creating models and dioramas of nature, as well as maquettes and thematic displays for national parks, landscape parks and museums. She conducts authorial workshops for children and young people using the papier-mâché technique. She is the initiator and organizer of “Sztuka Papieru” (the Art of Paper) Festival in cooperation with the Friends of the Lower Vistula Society and Paper Technical School in Świecie on Vistula. Associated with the Art of Paper studio (www.sztukapapieru.pl).

Here are some of the portraits made by her:

Disclaimer: The copyright remains with the original holder. This blog is intended to introduce this amazing artist to a wider audience.


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