'Two meals at two different places' - by K J S Chatrath

 Two meals from two different places. 

This is the  meal that I got in Air India's Chennai -Delhi flight on 1st March. I would call this roti as half burnt. I wont be surprised if the Air India authorities see it as a crisp karari roti! 

I also could not help noticing two other negative points in Air-India's flight...It was a big plane with a very large number of passengers. Ground staff seemed to be struggling to check the boarding passes in  an organised manner....And more than that it was announced on landing at T3 that the checked in luggage could be collected at Belt 1. It was incorrect information. The luggage came on Belt 7.

This is the meal that I had in a roadside joint in Panchkula for Rs.70. Tasty and good looking too.


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