'Remembering ascent to the Rainbow Mountain top (16,500 ft), Peru, 5 years back' - by K J S Chatrath
I, along with my batch mate in the IAS and tough trekker Gopal Ganesh, climbed up the Rainbow Mountain in Peru in July 2017. Till 2015, one of the most fascinating wonders of this planet, the Rainbow Mountain was practically unknown, except to a small number of indigenous Peruvians living around it. Then the information appeared on the social media and soon travel enthusiasts around the world were talking about it. Now it has become a preferred destination for adventure lovers. The mountain has stripes of colours of the rainbow and hence the name. These colours are natural geographical formations and are due to prolonged impact of weather conditions and mineralogy. Red colour indicates presence of iron oxide, rust and brownish colour are said to indicate goethite or oxidized These coloured strips are called stratigraphic formations or defined layers. Ausangate or Auzangate, as this mountain is called, is a part of the Vilcanota mountain range in the Pe...