
"What is in a name" had asked the Bard centuries ago...........writes K J S Chatrath

  I had got my name plate painted on a slate when I was dealing with "education' in my service career (in NCERT, Deptt of Education, MHRD, GOI and Indian Institute of Advanced Study, Shimla).   I have now added a new name plate on my door which gives my name in Tamil also. My sincere thanks to my service colleague R. Balakrishnan who, on my request designed the board, got it prepared and sent to me by courier from Chennai.    Incidentally Balakrishnan is no ordinary bureaucrat, and I would be writing about him and his magnum opus "Journey of a Civilization: Indus to Vaigul" separately.   What is in a name had asked the Bard centuries ago.  And what is in a name plate, if I may ask?  Plenty.

'A look at varied Indian cuisine- the best on planet earth Number 72' - says K J S Chatrath

  Indian cuisine- the best on planet earth                                 Typically Bengali vegetarian meal in Berhampore, West Bengal.

Heritage Bulding versus An Act of God.................wonders K J S Chatrath

  How does one react to this unfortunate collapse of a mere 50 year old much tom-tommed ‘heritage’ building? Possibilities Were there some shortcoming in the structural drawings prepared by M. Le Cobusier and so ably assisted by his nephew M. Jeanneret? Were necessary checks and supervision done by M. Le Corbusier’s Team during the construction of the building Were appropriate steps taken for its regular maintenance? Conclusion No, nobody was at fault - at was an ‘Act of God’- the 7.1 degrees earthquake in Nepal made it collapse. K J S Chatrath

  Guess who are these personalities? First and third photos are comparatively easy. Let us see if you can spot the middle one😀

Respectful Salute to the Non-Combatant Indians Who Died in France During World War K J S Chatrath

With best compliments from Dr. K J S Chatrath Book available on

'Respectful salute to Sophia Loren' - by K J S Chatrath

 I am trying my hands at some AI assisted soft-wares.  First I took a B&W photo of  Sophia Loren and sharpened and up scaled it. This is what it looked like then:  Then with the help of another AI assisted software, I colorised. And this is what it looks like now: P.S. I prefer the B&W one.

In praise of K J S Chatrath

  Budapest courtyard from 1906 in Hungarian Art Nouveau style by artist Istvan Nagy.

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