'National Museum of Archeology, Sofia, Bulgaria, Part-I' - K J S Chatrath



I visited the the  National Museum of Archeology, Sofia, Bulgaria in 2018. It is located in the vicinity of many central state institutions, cultural organisations and historical sight seeing.  The museum is housed in the building of the old Buyuk (Grand) Mosque. This is said to be the oldest building of the city dating back to the period of the Ottoman rule also known as Kodza Mahmud Pasha dzamisi. , i.e. the mosque of the great Mahmud Pasha. It was built in 1494.



 I bought this ticket and entered the building which I found to be very impressive from inside.

This museum was established way back in 1892. It has an impressive collection of over 450,000 artifacts. Above is the bronze portrait head of Shipka, Stara Region  relating to end of 5th century B.C. Photo by F. Jane.

Head of a statue of Apollo. . Gilded bronze.Sofia (Serdica); 2nd-3rd century A.D. Photo by Marco P D.

Golden funerary mask from Svetizata tumulus, Shipka Stara Region  relating to end of 5th century B.C.Photo by Helenjen.

Photo by Craig M.

Photo by Brian P. 

Photo by Angelo V.
Photo by Alexios C.


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